We want YOU!

AWWO wants you as a member because you care about animals. We also want AWWO members who can serve as volunteer AWWO Regional Representatives.

Ideally, we would like to have a “regional rep” in each provincial riding. Since most of what we’re trying to do involves influencing the provincial government to stand up for animals, regional reps would be vital to making contact with their local MPP and other public officials, setting up local presentations and meetings, and generally working to raise awareness of animal-related issues. An example of this would be: bringing AWWO petitions to the local MPP for presentation in the Legislature. That way, the true province-wide support for animal welfare reform can be more clearly demonstrated.

Please let us know if you’d like to be an AWWO regional rep. Send us an email that tells us a little about yourself, your interest in animal welfare and what you’d bring to the team in terms of local connections and your existing community involvement.

Here is the list of current MPP members in Ontario.


Looking forward to develope a great team to provide protection on the animals that live among us!